Friday, September 11, 2009

Not Forgotten 9.11

What were YOU doing on 9.11.01 when you heard the news?
I was sitting at my desk at work,
listening to this very commentary from my favorite radio show.
Video is compliments of the ACE&TJ show website.


koreen (aka: winn) said...

I was driving to work, and heard it from a friend on the phone, which I thought for the next several minutes as I found news on the radio about it that it HAD to be a hoax. Then spent the rest of the morning on the computer watching it unfold.

Brooke said...

I posted about this on my blog.. but... I had just come inside from taking the pup outside and turned on the TV.. I saw a plane crash into one of the Towers and thought it was a movie at first.. Then I realized what happened and ran to tell my (ex) boyfriend because he was a pilot and might need to go protect the country.. But we were in Hawaii and all planes were grounded...

Auntie E said...

I was at school teaching. hubby came in to my class to told me what happened, he was teaching at the same school but had gone home for a short time and had the TV on.