Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Random Random Random

Here's my two cents worth of random. Read more at The UnMom.
  • Big E brought a book home yesterday titled "How Big is It?".... what is it with boys and size concerns? The book is about large structures, bodies of water, man made items, etc. Anyway, it made me giggle when he told me what he was reading for fun yesterday.

  • My favorite snack IS yogurt and granola... and that catchy tune from the CD I have by the Imagination Movers doesn't help my cravings... I LOVE vanilla yogurt with bare naked granola... think I'll have some in a second.

  • We're having potato soup for dinner with the potatoes and onions we have leftover from the local organic produce delivery we received.

  • It's overcast and random rain today, and I'm a little down about it. It really does affect my senses, I need to do yoga. I may do that before yogurt and granola.

  • I'm sad for Maddie's family, and for Thalon's family. Read more HERE. I can't help but feel like I know them after following their blogs. That link has built in links so you can show some love if you want too.

  • A close friend of mine sent me a message today, it's her birthday and her mom tried to commit suicide. I wish I could hug them both today. Her mom is going to be ok, physically, but I'm praying that emotionally she'll move past her depression soon. Also praying that my friend can pull off some happiness on her special today in spite of the situation.

  • I just realized that my RTT turned into a downer, posting two sad things in a row - not intentional. Just reality. I don't believe in faking it, sadness doesn't make me weak - faking it does. I'm sad for several reasons today, and still fully aware that my life is full of blessings.

  • Little J literally grew over the weekend, taller and wiser. His vocabulary is starting to really grow into "kid" vocabulary, and it's just an amazing thing to witness.

  • I'm getting ready to look for summer vacation rentals for our annual trip to the beach. The after that, going to look for fall rentals for when we hope to visit our Texan family!

  • Dove Bliss RULZ.

  • I have went to the grocery store two times in the past two days, for random little stuff. I NEVER do that, I'm pretty structured with shopping and like to do it all at once and stockpile. These two trips were specifically for one thing... dish washing detergent, and blame if I didn't successfully forget it AGAIN today. I feel like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz... if I only had a brain!