Sunday, March 23, 2008

eggs anyone?

Today we did the tradition and dyed eggs and I still have green fingernails! Then we had lunch w/ Jonathon's parents, and afterward went to let the boys spend a little money they received from grandparents in their cards. Shopping was interesting, with 2 impatient boys, one of which is getting in all four of his 2-year molars! I needed customer service on the toy isle, because of course the ONLY toy that Jesse kept going back too was opened and no bar code existed. After going to the nearest sales counter, and being told they paged someone, I went and stood and waited... 15 min later I used my cellphone to call customer service. Ironically, the person who answered told me that the sales counter I just went to for assistance was required to assist me! So, back to square one! Eventually we made a purchase (at a discount thanks to it being the only toy of that kind). Ezra bought a small Lego kit and some hotwheels.

A fun day for us all, ending in a scream fest for Jesse. So much stimulation today, a bit of sugar with candies (out of the ordinary for us!), a later bedtime then usual after just hanging out, and not wanting to stop playing with his brother... it quickly turned into complete sadness once realized. It was a rough 'get ready for bed' routine, but we made it, and once he was upstairs in his bed he was calm and quickly off to sleep!!


Anonymous said...

OK, what did you use to get your eggs to look like that???