Thursday, May 29, 2008

Old Salem

Ezra went on an all day field trip with the entire 4th grade today. He brought home some freshly baked bread goods that he bought with his (his own, not ours!) money for us. He also bought a handmade leather pouch to hold change/money and a tiny rose quartz sample. He learned alot about how things worked in the 'old times' as he put it. How many were unable to read and visual cues were used to indicate places of business, such as the barber shop pole, and a fake gun over a gunsmith's door. They were able to see living conditions of the past that included no A/C and no electric heat - instead it was open windows for cooling, and wood burning stoves for heat. He visited a shoe shop where childrens shoes were made of leather; and learned tons about how things worked without all of the modern technology. He had a blast!! He took a disposable camera, once we develop those photos, I'll post them!