Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day with Our Boys

This morning Jesse slept until 8am, for the first time in a while Ezra was up before Jesse. I slept in (7:30am WOOHOO) and then got up to make coffee for myself and make sure all was ready for picture taking. The boys opened their gifts around 830am, then we had a big Christmas breakfast together. The favorite gifts as of right now are...
Ezra - Lego's Star Wars The Complete Saga XBox 360 Game & the Star Wars Storm Troopers action figures... he also was really excited about his magnet kit.

Jesse - Classic Jack in the Box, and Tickle Me Elmo TMX

We plan to relax and enjoy our time together for the rest of the day! Jesse's napping now, and Jonathon and Ezra are checking out the new Xbox game.