Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sweet Treats & Rainy Days

I guess it goes without saying that motherhood (for me) isn't really a 'job' or a 'calling' - it's more a gift. Today, from one to the other - both kids brought me a gift. Neither of which cost them a dime.

Ezra and I enjoyed a sweet treat together at Sonic, and his perspective of life is fairly black and white - sometimes I need just that to realize the simpleness around me. We talked about friends, school, and how yummy ice cream is... Ezra thinks ice cream is best in the 'in between' phase, when it's fresh out of a container it's too hard, but then it becomes a perfect consistency for devouring. You must move quickly when eating it, or it will become the gross liquid that we MUST avoid :). Ice cream and life - are alot alike. Little does he know, he may have just figured out the key to life! Don't be too hard on yourself (or others), or to soft - but try to be just the right consistency of both.

Jesse, on the other hand, was in a funk today. Once I figured out why, we put on our shoes, grabbed an umbrella and went outdoors. I was ashamed that I had to figure it out! It's common for us to assume that because it's raining we should stay inside, but for a little guy with alot of wonder - there is nothing else he wants more then to go out and explore. He loves the outdoors, and today I had so much fun while he reminded me what is so important about raindrops.

Raindrops are...

squishy when mixed with dirt
friendly to touch
tasty, if you catch one on your tongue
laughter in liquid form
music to dance too...